Fun Fair Games




  • 1. The main rule of the event is Pay-and- Play.

  • 2.The games will be held in multiple stalls which will be cordoned off inside a zone.

  • 3.Upon the entry, the participant will be handed a game zone band, using which he/she can play

  • 4.Participants who qualify game no. 1 will move to game no. 2 and so on. Participant who clears all game in the alloted time will be presented exciting gift.

  • 5.On both the fest days will have different set of games. Games will be disclosed on the day of conduction.

  • Simple Do's and Don'ts:

  • 1. You can enter the game zone without a game zone band, but DO NOT take part in any of the games if that is the case.

  • 2. If you are found engaging in any games inside the game zone without a game zone band, you will be levied a fine of Rs.40/-

  • 3. DO NOT try to cheat in any games. This is a completely fun-centered event. Play with joy and bring out the kid inside you.

  • 4. Come in large numbers and encourage your friends to play alongside and have the best time.

Student Coordinators

  1. A S Priyanka - 9916186135
  2. Anusha R - 8970716594
