


  • 1. Two in each group.

  • 2.One minute for each question.

  • 3. emojis/pictures/audio will be given as the clue.

  • 4.10 questions will be included in each round.

  • 5.There will be 3 rounds.

  • 6.The participant should guess the name of the books/movies/TV Shows/web series.

  • 7.The group to guess the highest number of correct answers based on the previous round will be qualified to the next round.

  • 8.Languages included are: English, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi.

  • 9.Participation certificate will be awarded.

  • 10.Winning team will be awarded accordingly.

  • 11. Cross talking/ Discussion between two different teams and Usage of Electronic Devices are not encouraged.

Student Coordinators

  1. Yashwin Gowda - 8867177368
  2. Shalini M B - 9632168076
